We haven't been very good about taking belly pictures of the first 4 months, because I felt like nothing really showed. But seriously, last night after eating, I swear my belly popped out 6 inches. For real! Even my students could tell today, they kept whispering and asking me to turn sideways. The whispering part was probably because we had "the talk" in health class today! Fun times! I felt all eyes were on me when we talk how conception works! :) The joys of teaching.
Anywho, here are my a little over 4 month pictures. I've found it painful to know wear any of my old clothes and have it down to a science which 4 pairs of pants I rotate, to wear to work every day!
I may be crazy, but I'm also pretty sure I can feel the baby. They say at 20 months you should be able to, but every night when I lay down, it feels like little bubbles inside my tummy. SO COOL! Interesting how you can't feel it during the day when you're moving, but when it's time for bed, the little thing goes wild. That should be interesting when I'm trying to fall asleep! :)
All is well back here in MN. I graduate tomorrow from Hamline (along with Ashley and Cristin) with my Masters in Education. :) Stefan and I are working on making our garden. This weekend we have to clear the rest of the brush so that after camping next weekend, we can start putting up the retaining wall. God has blessed us with GORGEOUS weather the past two days! It is actually shorts weather here and everyone (especially Norm) is loving it! Stef and I just bought our plane tickets for our trip to the coast in August. We are flying into Seattle on August 15th and leaving the 24th. We aren't heading back to Summerland this time, just staying at Point Roberts and relaxing!! Hope to see a lot of you, we love you all and pray that God is with you all!
You are so darn cute! I just love belly pics :) You know why the baby wakes up at night? It's rocking chair stopped moving :) When you are walking around all day it creates a rocking rhythm that keeps baby asleep. Have fun in a month when you really feel him/her kicking. It's one of my favorite parts of being pregnant!!! God bless and take care :)
those pics are great!!! i can't believe you are in maternity pants already... you must be low. maybe it's a girl???!
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