Thursday, October 16, 2008

39 1/2 weeks & Waiting

Norman has found a new favorite resting place. We got a super comfy blanket from IKEA that he has taken a liking to. Everyday when we get home from work, he's curled up with it. :)

So... after a lot of panic, rushing around, and hurriedly packing our hospital bag, Baby J has decided to stay put for the time being. I'm EXACTLY in the same spot as two weeks ago, 1.5 cm dilated, 80-90% effaced, and at a total of 18 pounds. We keep wondering when it will be, but I guess that's the fun part. The baby is kicking and poking around a LOT lately, the doc says it makes sense because he/she has run out of room. :) We love you all and hopefully our next post will be of BABY J!!!
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